Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Welcome to my new blog... Elementary Tech 411

Last year I really enjoyed creating the monthly newsletters that provided technology information.  I decided that a blog would be a better venue to share technology integration ideas for the elementary classroom.

In this blog I will share ideas for using devices like iPads and Chromebooks in the classrooms. I will share apps for different subjects and project ideas and how to use them with your students.  I will also share what other educators across the district are doing with technology. 

Whether you are new to using technology or consider yourself to be tech savvy, here are my thoughts on integrating technology...

When using technology don't be afraid to try something new.  It's ok to fail, as long as you learn from the experience.  If you try and it doesn't work, then rethink the process or the activity.  What were the pros and cons? Make some changes or adjustments, and try it again!